
ACUNEX® Quantum:
A quantum leap for standard
monofocal cataract surgery

ACUNEX Quantum is an innovative monofocal intraocular lens, that enables significantly better vision in the intermediate area. The glistening-free hydrophobic standard IOL shows no reported undesirable side effects and ensures contrast vision comparable with a conventional monofocal IOL.

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Hybrid material with excellent properties

Hydrophobic material 
A constant water content of 4% (pre-hydrated) ensures a consistently stable, homogeneous grid structure of the biomaterial and thus maximum physical integrity.

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*Manfred Tetz & Matthew R. Jorgensen (2015) New Hydrophobic IOL Materials and Understanding the Science of Glistenings, Current Eye Research, 40:10, 969-981, DOI: 10.3109/02713683.2014.978476

The latest Innovation in the ACUNEX IOL family

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Advantages of the ACUNEX Quantum for more vision:

  • High patient satisfaction - more vision in the intermediate area
  • Contrast vision comparable with a monofocal IOL
  • No reported undesirable side effects
  • Stable refraction results - insensitive to decentring and tilt due to haptic design